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Medical malpractice: a notably complex legal niche

 Posted on December 23, 2020 in Medical Malpractice


No reasonable person in Illinois or elsewhere expects medical care providers to be perfect. We know that doctors, nurses, pharmacists, lab techs and other industry principals, while highly trained, are not infallible.

What we do rightly expect of them, though, is competence and their adherence to an established standard of care that prevails in the health care community.

When that performance threshold is maintained, things generally work out fine for patients and their families. When it is breached, another story altogether often unfolds.

That tale centrally involves adverse care outcomes. Not every negative patient result owes to provider error, of course, but those involving a medical professional's substandard care almost always do.

The direct results of negligently delivered care are widespread and frequently devastating for victims and their loved ones. Health care negligence spawns medical malpractice results that owe to myriad causes, including these:

  • Delayed, missed or wrong diagnoses
  • Medication dosing issues (e.g., wrong drug or amount)
  • Surgical mistakes (including retained foreign objects and other so-called "never events")
  • Birth injuries affecting both newborns and mothers
  • Facility-acquired infections
  • Inadequate staffing
  • Accuracy problems traced to electronic health records

Those bullet points spell a lengthy list of concerns, but medical malpractice victims may experience an even wider array of issues not listed here.

Malpractice victims and their families need to know that they are not powerless in the wake of a negligent-tied health care outcome. Individuals who suffer medical harm are often greatly empowered by taking timely and purposeful legal action.

Proven pro-victims' malpractice attorneys routinely help valued clients establish full accountability in injury cases. A malpractice action addressing substandard care can also deter a similar outcome in the future.

And there is this, too, of course: An experienced legal team can help an injured client collect maximum compensation from accountable parties. A meaningful recovery can pay for medical bills, be applied for future therapy/rehabilitation that might be needed, recoup lost wages, address emotional pain and suffering and be used for long-term care.

Kaiser Law attorneys command acumen in the malpractice realm that collectively spans many decades of results-driven performance. Our law firm represents clients with compassion and a demonstrated record of advocacy marked by notable recoveries.

We welcome contacts to the firm concerning questions tied to medical malpractice or any other personal injury matter.

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