DuPage County Medical Malpractice Attorneys for Infections

Lawyers for Patients Who Contracted Hospital Infections, Staph or Sepsis in Elmhurst and Itasca
Infectious diseases and infections, in general, are among the greatest risks that patients face when seeking treatment at a physician's office, emergency department, or hospital. Doctors, nurses, and other medical staff must adhere to established protocols to prevent bacterial or viral infections from spreading. Failure to follow the proper procedures could constitute medical malpractice due to the staff's negligence. If you or a member of your family developed an infection as a result of a medical professional's carelessness, you may be entitled to collect compensation for your injuries.
The attorneys at Kaiser Law in Bensenville, IL have been helping victims of medical malpractice seek justice for over 30 years. During that time, we have secured tens of millions of dollars in favorable verdicts and settlements for our clients, including many who contracted infections at a medical facility. Our lawyers understand how a serious infection can affect your life, and we know how to get results. We are prepared to put our experience, knowledge, and resources to work for you and your family.
Park Ridge Counsel for Serious Infections
When you receive treatment at any type of medical facility, you are likely to be more susceptible than usual to contracting an infection due to your medical condition or compromised immune system. Most types of infections, including streptococcus (strep) or staphylococcus (staph), could complicate your condition, make your condition worse, or cause other health concerns. If the infection enters your bloodstream, it could cause sepsis—a serious condition that can create respiratory issues, organ failure, and in some cases, even death.
Infections occur in hospitals, surgical centers, and doctors' offices for many different reasons. Some of the most common include:
- Improper sterilization procedures: All staff members in a medical facility are expected to share responsibility for sterilizing equipment and surfaces properly. Infections can spread when equipment is not sterilized between uses or when staff members do not follow safe handwashing guidelines.
- Unclean conditions: Infections can also be spread because of environmental concerns within the facility. Improper or inadequate air filtration could allow the spread of airborne pathogens, while water systems could be contaminated as well without proper treatment or filtration. If patient beds or rooms are too close together, the spread of infectious agents is also possible.
- Surgery errors: Surgical patients are at a particularly high risk of infection, which makes it critical for surgical staff to follow proper protocols for handwashing, sterilizing equipment, and the use of masks and gloves. Sometimes, an error during the procedure itself, such as accidentally cutting the bowel, could result in dangerous infections. Post-operative infections are also possible as a result of not properly treating the surgical site.
- Misuse or overuse of antibiotics: When antibiotics are overused or misused, so-called "superbugs" can emerge and spread. These types of viruses or bacteria are very resistant to many kinds of antibiotics, which means they can spread quickly. Infections due to superbugs can cause serious health problems for the patients who contract them.
Building a Case for Compensation in Cook County
At Kaiser Law, we realize that getting you the compensation you need to get back on your feet means proving that the infection you contracted was caused by medical negligence. With this in mind, we will carefully review the circumstances of your case to determine if negligence was a factor and which party or parties were negligent. Our firm works with a vast network of medical experts who will help us demonstrate that the professionals in question failed to provide the appropriate level of care and, therefore, should be held financially liable. We also pledge to remain at your side until you receive the justice that you deserve.
We Are Ready to Help You
For more information about pursuing compensation for infections caused by medical malpractice in Illinois, contact our firm. Call 630-274-4400 for a free consultation and case review at our Bensenville office. Kaiser Law serves clients throughout Cook County, DuPage County, and the surrounding areas.