Bensenville Nursing Home Falls Attorneys

Lawyers for Victims Injured by Falling in a Nursing Home in Elmhurst and Addison
The decision to place an elderly loved one or family member in a nursing home is a difficult one. You might know for sure that your loved one requires the care and attention offered in such facilities, but the idea that he or she is no longer independent and able to care for himself or herself may be hard to accept. With this in mind, it is important to choose a nursing home that makes quality patient care its top priority.
At Kaiser Law, we realize that many nursing homes do not prioritize their patients the way they should, and instances of nursing home neglect and abuse are disturbingly common. Our attorneys also understand that falls happen in nursing homes every day, and when they do, nursing home residents can be seriously injured. If your family member or loved one has been injured in a fall in a nursing home, our lawyers will help you understand your available options for seeking compensation.
How Falls Happen in Nursing Homes
Age takes its toll on the body, and as people get older, the risk of falling is greater in nearly every situation. Simply walking around in one's own home becomes increasingly dangerous the older the person gets. Additionally, an older person's body is generally less able to withstand a fall without injury. Nursing home residents are, in most cases, even more likely to fall than the average person is, and it is up to the home and its staff members to do everything they can to prevent dangerous falls.
A nursing home resident is at risk for injuries in falls that are caused by:
- Wet or slick floors
- Objects or equipment on the floor
- Lighting that creates glare or confusing shadows
- Side effects of the resident's prescribed medications
- Staff dropping the resident when moving him or her
- Improperly maintained walking aids, such as canes or walkers
- Lack of supervision while showering or bathing
- Overexertion
The risk of a fall also increases when a resident is left alone too long or too often. For example, if your elderly loved one requires assistance getting out of or into bed but needs to use the bathroom, he or she might not be able to wait for help from a member of the staff. The resident may try getting out of bed without help, which could result in a fall that seriously injures your loved one. Depending on how often the staff checks on residents, it might be several hours before anyone realizes that the resident fell.
Cook County Nursing Home Negligence Attorneys
The lawyers at Kaiser Law have over 100 years of combined legal experience, and we realize that not all nursing falls are the result of neglect by the staff or the facility. Sometimes, unpreventable accidents simply happen. However, when there is a reason to believe that negligence was a factor, nursing homes and their staff often become rather uncooperative in establishing how the fall really occurred.
If you believe that your loved one fell and was injured because of any type of negligence by a nursing home or its staff members, our team will conduct a full review of the situation. We will figure out how the fall happened and which party or parties should be held accountable for your loved one's injuries. Our lawyers are not afraid of health care conglomerates, such as those that often own and operate nursing homes, and we will not be bullied into backing down. We will continue to fight until you and your loved one receive the compensation to which the law says you are entitled.
Call 630-274-4400 Today
For more information about Kaiser Law and how we handle nursing home falls, contact our office. Call 630-274-4400 to schedule your free consultation with a skilled nursing home injury lawyer today. Our team serves fall victims and their families in Bensenville, Elmhurst, Elk Grove Village, DuPage County, Cook County, and the surrounding communities.